Bio Fertilizer Meghpot (KMB)

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Leading Manufacturer of Meghpot (KMB) (Bio Fertilizer) from Aslali, Ahmedabad.

MEGHPOT Contain Frateuria aurentia is a beneficial bacterium capable of mobilizing available Potash into near the roots of the plants. It works well in all types of soil especially, low K content soil. Use of such bacteria in powder form can increase the availability of more potash in usable form to the plants.Potash Mobilizing Bacteria Frateuria aurentia plays a vital role in the formation of amino acids and proteins from ammonium ions, which are absorbed by roots, from the soil. it is also responsible for the transfer of carbohydrates, proteins, etc. from the level to the roots. It also plays a vital role in the uptakes of other elements particularly nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium, Potash Mobilizing Bacteria regulates the permeability of the cellular membrane. It activates number of enzymes, e.g. alcohol dehydrogenase and its deficiency decreases photosynthesis. Potash Mobilizing Bacteria increases the resistance of crops to hot and dry conditions and insect pest and diseases. It increases the stiffness of straw in cereals and therefore the loading of cereal is reduced. It improves the quality of fruits and grains.

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Agricultural BIO Fertilizers